Zweig Group’s media arm, Civil + Structural Engineer Media, continues to Elevate the Industry by highlighting outstanding projects completed in 2022 Fayetteville, AR, Oct. 06, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Civil + Structural Engineer Media is thrilled to announce the second annual Yearbook of Engineering Achievement (YEA) Competition. This competition identifies AEC projects that have demonstrably moved the industry forward through community and environmental impact, innovative technical processes, or groundbreaking vision and execution.

Firms are invited to submit any project completed, or scheduled to be completed, within the 2022 calendar year. To submit a project.
firms must complete a project information form, which consists of a few questions about the project as well as links to submit media pertaining to the project including photos and videos. The deadline to enter your project in the 2022 YEA Awards is October 21st, 2022 Each entry will be hosted on through the duration of the first voting period. Website visitors will be encouraged to vote once per day for the project they feel best represents the best of the best in the AEC industry. The winning projects from the 2022 YEA competition will be featured in the December issue of IIE-Engineers Magazine.
The 2022 Yearbook of Engineering Achievement features six categories:
Small Firm
There is no fee to submit a project. Firms may only submit one project per category. To be eligible for the small firm category, firms must have less than 50 employees.
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